Adding New Dimensions to 7C’s of Website Design: A 2024 Perspective

26 July 2024

Web design has undergone significant transformations since the early 2000s. Rayport and Jaworski's influential 7C's framework—Context, Content, Community, Customization, Communication, Connection, and Commerce—has provided a robust foundation for creating engaging and functional websites.

Adding New Dimensions to 7C’s of Website Design: A 2024 Perspective

However, in our opinion, as we venture further into 2024, the digital landscape demands an evolution. Websites now must also embody Credibility, Consistency, and Compliance. This article explores these original 7C's and introduces the three additional critical components that modern websites must integrate to thrive in today's digital ecosystem. We explain how we approach the new 10C’s of website design framework at The Digital Bunch. Before you start with designing a website, you might want to look into why you’re doing it in the first place. Check how to design a website in 2024 using our methods and processes that we have perfected over years of experience.


The Original 7C's of Website Design

1. Context

Context refers to the overall layout and design of the website, including its aesthetic appeal and navigational structure. This aspect ensures that the website's visual and functional design aligns with its purpose and audience.

Key Elements:

  • Design: Colors, fonts, images, and overall visual style.
  • Layout: The arrangement of content and navigational elements.
  • Theme: The website's mood and feel, tailored to resonate with the target audience.

Why It Matters: A well-designed context enhances user experience, making it easier for visitors to navigate the site and find what they're looking for, ultimately leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

2. Content

Content is the core of a website, encompassing all the textual, visual, and interactive elements that provide value to the user. High-quality content is essential for attracting, engaging, and retaining visitors.

Key Elements:

  • Text: Informative, engaging, and well-written articles, blogs, and product descriptions.
  • Media: Images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements that enrich the user experience.
  • SEO: Optimization strategies to ensure content is discoverable through search engines.

Why It Matters: Compelling content drives traffic, keeps visitors engaged, and encourages them to take desired actions, such as making a purchase or sharing information.

3. Community

Community focuses on the social aspects of a website, facilitating interaction and engagement among users. It involves creating spaces where users can connect and share their experiences.

Key Elements:

  • Forums: Discussion boards where users can post questions and share insights.
  • Social Media Integration: Connecting the website with social platforms to extend community reach.
  • User-Generated Content: Encouraging reviews, testimonials, and content contributions from users.

Why It Matters: Building a strong community fosters loyalty and trust, turning users into advocates who contribute to the website's success.


4. Customization

Customization allows websites to tailor their content and features to individual users' preferences and behaviors. This personalization enhances the user experience by making interactions more relevant and engaging.

Key Elements:

  • Personalized Content: Displaying content based on user preferences and behavior.
  • Adaptive Layouts: Changing the website's layout to suit different devices and screen sizes.
  • User Preferences: Allowing users to set their preferences for a more tailored experience, for example - change the font size or adding dark mode.

Why It Matters: Personalized experiences increase user satisfaction and engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and customer retention.

5. Communication

Communication is about the interaction between the website and its users. It includes all the ways the site conveys information to users and allows users to provide feedback or get in touch.

Key Elements:

  • Interactive Features: Chatbots, contact forms, and customer support options.
  • Content Updates: Regular updates to keep users informed and engaged.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Tools for users to provide feedback and suggestions.

Why It Matters: Effective communication builds trust and helps resolve issues quickly, improving the overall user experience and fostering loyalty.

6. Connection

Connection involves the technical aspects of linking the website to other systems and platforms, ensuring seamless integration and data exchange.

Key Elements:

  • APIs: Application Programming Interfaces that enable integration with other software and services.
  • Third-Party Tools: Integration with tools for analytics, marketing, and e-commerce.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensuring the website works well across different devices and platforms.

Why It Matters: Strong connections enhance functionality and provide a more cohesive user experience, making it easier for visitors to interact with the website across various touchpoints.

7. Commerce

Commerce encompasses all the elements related to online transactions and sales. This aspect is crucial for e-commerce websites that need to facilitate purchases and manage financial transactions.

Key Elements:

  • Product Catalogs: Well-organized displays of products or services.
  • Shopping Carts: User-friendly systems for managing purchases.
  • Payment Processing: Secure and reliable methods for handling transactions.

Why It Matters:

A smooth and secure commerce experience is essential for converting visitors into customers and driving revenue growth.


Introducing the 3 New C’s: Credibility, Consistency, and Compliance

As we move further into 2024, the digital landscape demands that websites not only adhere to the original 7C's but also integrate additional crucial components: Credibility, Consistency, and Compliance.

1. Credibility

In an era of information overload and online fraud, Credibility is paramount. Users must trust that the website provides accurate, reliable, and authoritative information.

Key Elements:

  • Trust Signals: Certifications, badges, and endorsements from reputable organizations.
  • Transparent Policies: Clear privacy, refund, and security policies.
  • Expert Content: High-quality content produced or endorsed by industry experts.

Credibility is the key to making your website stand out and thrive. Think about it: when you land on a site that feels trustworthy, you're more likely to stay, explore, and even make a purchase. Search engines, like Google, recognize this behavior and reward credible sites with higher rankings. For instance, sites like Wikipedia or BBC rank high because they are linked by reputable sources, have a strong domain history, and provide secure, accessible connections. Users engage more with these sites, leading to low bounce rates and high average time on page, which signals to search engines that these sites are valuable and trustworthy.

Credibility is also a game-changer when it comes to converting visitors into customers. Imagine you're shopping online and find a website with a sleek, professional design, clear and honest policies, and secure payment options. Chances are, you'd feel confident making a purchase there. Take Apple or Amazon as examples—they excel in creating a seamless, trustworthy shopping experience. High-quality content that resonates with users, like detailed product descriptions or engaging blog posts, further cements this trust. Sites that showcase genuine customer testimonials and interactive features, like product videos or live chats, provide social proof and enrich the user experience, making visitors more likely to take action.

To build and maintain this credibility, your website needs to be a well-oiled machine. Start with a bug-free, fast-loading site that looks great on any device. Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant, and ensure it's backed by experts. Use professional images and videos that align with your brand’s identity to create a polished look, just like Tesla does with its high-quality visuals and interactive car configurators. Lastly, be transparent and ethical—clearly disclose your policies, communicate honestly, and adhere to industry standards.


2. Consistency

Consistency refers to maintaining a uniform look, feel, and experience across all aspects of the website and related channels. This consistency enhances brand recognition and user experience.

Key Elements:

  • Visual Identity: Consistent use of colors, fonts, and design elements.
  • Voice and Tone: Uniformity in how content is written and presented.
  • User Experience: Seamless experience across different devices and platforms.

In the last years, consistency has emerged as a fundamental pillar for successful website design. It’s becoming more important as brands try to differentiate from one another more than ever and our appreciation for user experience design has increased. Imagine visiting a website where each page looks and functions differently—you'd likely feel disoriented and frustrated. Consistency ensures a seamless and unified experience across your website, building trust and familiarity with your audience. For example, brands like Nike and Coca-Cola excel in presenting a consistent visual identity across their sites, with uniform use of colors, fonts, and layouts that align with their branding. This uniformity makes navigation intuitive and reinforces brand recognition, which is crucial for engaging and retaining users.

Consistency goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about delivering a reliable user experience at every touchpoint. Websites like Spotify and Netflix are prime examples of this. Whether you're accessing their services on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, the experience feels seamless and familiar. This cross-platform consistency ensures users can interact with the brand effortlessly, regardless of the device they're using. Moreover, maintaining a consistent tone and voice in all content, from blog posts to customer support responses, helps to create a cohesive and trustworthy brand persona. This approach makes users feel more connected and confident in the site’s reliability.

Achieving and maintaining consistency requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. In our opinion, this is where brands can really gain in the eyes of their clients and show that they are committed to their values across the board, offering clients a coherent brand experience. Start by defining clear brand guidelines that cover everything from visual elements to content style and tone. Use these guidelines to ensure uniformity across all pages and platforms. Regularly audit your site to spot and fix inconsistencies. For instance, Slack continuously updates its platform to ensure that new features and updates align with its overall design and user experience principles. Another aspect is user interaction; features such as buttons, forms, and navigation should work predictably and be placed consistently throughout the site.


3. Compliance

Compliance is about adhering to legal, ethical, and industry standards. In a world of stringent regulations and increasing privacy concerns, websites must ensure they comply with all relevant laws and standards.

Key Elements:

  • Data Protection: Compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring the website is accessible to users with disabilities.
  • Security Standards: Implementing robust security measures to protect user data.

Compliance is another critical element in successful website design, ensuring that your site adheres to legal requirements, industry standards, and user expectations. Imagine navigating a website that doesn’t comply with data protection regulations—you might hesitate to share personal information or make a purchase. Compliance establishes trust and safeguards user interests, fostering a secure environment for interaction and transactions. For example, websites handling sensitive data, like financial institutions or healthcare providers, prioritize compliance with regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA. This adherence not only protects user data but also enhances credibility, showing a commitment to ethical practices and user privacy. Even for simple websites, the lack of an SSL certificate will look very suspicious and trigger warnings in users’ browsers.

Just as consistency and credibility are essential for user engagement and trust, compliance forms a foundational aspect of a website’s integrity. Websites like Dropbox or Evernote prioritize compliance with international data protection laws, ensuring that user data is handled securely across borders. This commitment to compliance not only mitigates legal risks but also strengthens customer trust, demonstrating reliability and accountability in data management practices. Furthermore, compliance extends beyond legal frameworks to encompass accessibility standards, ensuring websites are usable by individuals with disabilities. Platforms like Microsoft or Adobe exemplify this by adhering to WCAG guidelines, making their software and online resources accessible to all users, regardless of impairments.

Achieving and maintaining compliance requires proactive measures and ongoing vigilance. Start by conducting regular audits to assess adherence to relevant regulations and standards. Implement robust security protocols to protect user data from breaches or unauthorized access, fostering a safe browsing experience. Educate your team on compliance requirements and integrate them into your development and content creation processes. Websites that prioritize compliance not only mitigate risks but also position themselves as trustworthy partners in an increasingly regulated digital landscape.


Crafting the Future: Integrating the 10C's of Website Design

As we step into 2024, website design has evolved significantly since the days of Rayport and Jaworski's 7C's framework. While foundational principles like Context, Content, and Community still matter, today's digital landscape demands more depth. The addition of Credibility, Consistency, and Compliance reflects a deeper understanding of what truly makes a website effective in building trust and meeting legal standards. With the rise of artificial intelligence, navigating these complexities requires not just technical know-how but also a keen sense of how to blend technology with human touch.

Creating websites that not only look great and function smoothly but also convert visitors into loyal customers is a challenging task. It's about finding the right balance between aesthetics and practicality, ensuring every aspect—from design to usability—works seamlessly to enhance user experience and drive business goals.

Embracing the 10C's—Context, Content, Community, Customization, Communication, Connection, Commerce, Credibility, Consistency, and Compliance—is more than a checklist; it's a practical guide to crafting websites that resonate with users and stand out in a crowded digital space. These elements come together to create meaningful digital experiences that build trust, engage users, and ensure your website meets legal and ethical standards.

Achieving this requires expertise and attention to detail. Professionals who understand design psychology, technological integration, and regulatory requirements play a crucial role in ensuring your website not only meets but exceeds expectations.

In essence, moving from the original 7C's to the expanded 10C's framework marks a shift towards more thoughtful and comprehensive website design strategies. By embracing these principles, businesses can create websites that not only perform well but also connect authentically with their audience in today's competitive digital world.



The original 7C’s framework by Rayport and Jaworski provided a solid foundation for web design, emphasizing essential elements such as Context, Content, and Community. However, as we look ahead to 2024, it is clear that additional components—Credibility, Consistency, and Compliance—are critical for modern websites.

By integrating these three new C’s into the existing framework, we can create websites that not only attract and engage users but also build trust, provide a consistent experience, and comply with the latest regulations and standards.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of these trends will be crucial for any business seeking to maintain a strong online presence.

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