Minimal aesthetic studio apartment
Deliverables: Minimalistic studio apartment project

We are proud to present to you the interior design visualization of the modern studio apartment.
Minimalistic composition kept in the range of three toned-down colors: grey, white & a little bit of blue splashed in some places. If you can recognize this color: this is the color of our brand.

In times of narrow apartments, every way of increasing space is good, even if its just an illusion. Proper interior design can delude the impression of a spacious place. Here we have one-bedroom apartment, that combines functions of living room, kitchen and bedroom.

The design combines straight and bow-shaped lines. The pristine of space is also highlighted by materials: wood, metal, plastic, resin - all smooth and easy to clean. Light grey walls, simple surfaces, and neon corner lights create a feeling of comfort. The only decorative elements are a little dotted wall, a sculpted nightstand, and a glass table.